
Generates SObject wrapper classes that maintain parent/child relationships

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When SObjects are queried in a single query, their parent-child __r fields are populated and can be used to navigate from one object to the other. But SOQL doesn’t allow a deep tree of objects to be queried in one go, and the collection __r fields are immutable.

This Visualforce page code generator produces an inner class per SObject that wraps the SObject and adds fields to model the parent and child relationships. Apex enums are created for the Record Types. Convenience methods are included to connect up parent or child objects and ensure that the relationship fields are set. A filtering mechanism is available for reads. Where an Id isn’t already known, a valid fake Id is generated so map logic keyed by Id can be used. Generic methods are provided so the relationships can be accessed by name, and the parent/child relationship names are also provided. A pure map form of the model - the mapified form - can be output for code that cannot be coupled to the model classes. A test class is also generated, primarily to ensure the generated code has test coverage.

Use this unchanged or clone and make your own changes. The code is generic - there are just a few default values tied to our specific objects. We are not looking for contributions, but rather just sharing some code that may be useful to others.



Sample code output

This is the first part of some code generated by this page that illustrates the resulting patterns:

 * Generated by the ModelGenerator page - do not edit directly.
 * Simple type-safe SObject wrapper classes that hold the parent/child relationships
 * to use in place of the __r properties (unusable in general as the collections are immutable).
 * Adding a parent or a child also populates the reverse relationship.
 * The SObject is exposed so its non-relationship fields can be directly accessed.
 * Wrapper objects are created through factory methods so subclasses can be substituted in the future.
 * A common interface is implemented by all wrapper classes.
 * Enums are generated for record types.
 * An optional filtering mechanism is available that is applied to reads.
 * Every wrapper can offer an identify value in the form of a syntactically valid but sometimes fake Id.
 * A "mapified" format of the data - nested Maps using the relationship names - can be generated.
public inherited sharing class EligibilityModel {

    // For problems
    public class EligibilityModelException extends Exception {

    // All wrappers implement this
    public interface Wrapper {

        // Return the wrapped SObject
        SObject getSObject();

        // Return the wrapped SObject type
        SObjectType getSObjectType();

        // Return the identity of the SObject (can be a fake Id value for non-persisted SObjects)
        Id getId();

        // Return the record type developer name or null if none
        String getRecordTypeDeveloperName();

        // Return a specific parent wrapper
        Wrapper getParent(String relationshipName);

        // Return a specific array of child wrappers
        Wrapper[] getChildren(String relationshipName);

        // Convert to form suitable for returning to external code without globals
        Map<String, Object> mapify(Map<Id, Object> visited);

        // Relationship names in both directions
        Relationship[] getParentRelationships();

        // Relationship names in both directions
        Relationship[] getChildRelationships();

    // Returned wrappers can have this filter applied
    public interface Filter {

        // Return true if the wrapped object should be returned
        Boolean accept(Wrapper w);

    // Filter that returns all objects and a single gamic instance of that filter
    private class NoFilter implements Filter {
        public Boolean accept(Wrapper w) {
            // All
            return true;
    public static final Filter NO_FILTER = new NoFilter();

    // Returned wrappers have this filter applied; intended for readers only
    public static Filter filter {
        get {
            if (filter == null) filter = NO_FILTER;
            return filter;

    // Generate a syntactically valid but fake Id
    private static Integer nextFakeIdInteger = 0;

    private static Id nextFakeId(SObjectType t) {

        String RESERVED = '000';
        String FAKE_TOKEN = 'FAKE';

        String keyPrefix = t.getDescribe().getKeyPrefix();
        String n = String.valueOf(nextFakeIdInteger++);

        return keyPrefix + RESERVED + FAKE_TOKEN + '0'.repeat(15 - keyPrefix.length() - RESERVED.length() - FAKE_TOKEN.length() - n.length()) + n;

    // Relationship names in both directions
    public class Relationship {

        String parent;
        String rawParent;
        String child;
        String rawChild;

        Relationship(String parent, String rawParent, String child, String rawChild) {
            this.parent = parent;
            this.rawParent = rawParent;
            this.child = child;
            this.rawChild = rawChild;

    // Claim

    // Factory method
    public static Claim newClaim(Claim__c sob) {
        Claim w = new Claim();
        w.sob = sob;
        return w;

    // Wrapper class
    public class Claim implements Wrapper {

        // Wrapped object
        public Claim__c sob {get; private set;}

        // Either the SObject Id or a temporary fake Id
        private Id transientId;

        // Any name
        public String recordTypeDeveloperName {get; private set;}

        // Parent wrapper object relationships
        public ContactWrapper claimantInsured {
            get {
                return filter.accept(claimantInsured) ? claimantInsured : null;
            private set;
        public Policy policy {
            get {
                return filter.accept(policy) ? policy : null;
            private set;

        // Child wrapper object relationships
        public BenefitClaimed[] benefitClaimeds {
            get {
                if (benefitClaimeds == null) benefitClaimeds = new BenefitClaimed[] {};
                if (filter === NO_FILTER) {
                    // Returns the modifiable collection
                    return benefitClaimeds;
                } else {
                    // Returns a new collection
                    BenefitClaimed[] ws = new BenefitClaimed[] {};
                    for (BenefitClaimed w : benefitClaimeds) {
                        if (filter.accept(w)) ws.add(w);
                    return ws;
            private set;
        public ClaimRelationship[] claimRelationships {
            get {
                if (claimRelationships == null) claimRelationships = new ClaimRelationship[] {};
                if (filter === NO_FILTER) {
                    // Returns the modifiable collection
                    return claimRelationships;
                } else {
                    // Returns a new collection
                    ClaimRelationship[] ws = new ClaimRelationship[] {};
                    for (ClaimRelationship w : claimRelationships) {
                        if (filter.accept(w)) ws.add(w);
                    return ws;
            private set;
        public Journal[] journals {
            get {
                if (journals == null) journals = new Journal[] {};
                if (filter === NO_FILTER) {
                    // Returns the modifiable collection
                    return journals;
                } else {
                    // Returns a new collection
                    Journal[] ws = new Journal[] {};
                    for (Journal w : journals) {
                        if (filter.accept(w)) ws.add(w);
                    return ws;
            private set;
        public PaymentSpecification[] paymentSpecifications {
            get {
                if (paymentSpecifications == null) paymentSpecifications = new PaymentSpecification[] {};
                if (filter === NO_FILTER) {
                    // Returns the modifiable collection
                    return paymentSpecifications;
                } else {
                    // Returns a new collection
                    PaymentSpecification[] ws = new PaymentSpecification[] {};
                    for (PaymentSpecification w : paymentSpecifications) {
                        if (filter.accept(w)) ws.add(w);
                    return ws;
            private set;

        // Create via factory method only
        private Claim() {

        // Wrapper interface methods
        public SObject getSObject() {
            return sob;
        public SObjectType getSObjectType() {
            return sob.getSObjectType();
        public Id getId() {
            if (transientId == null) {
                transientId = sob.Id != null ? sob.Id : nextFakeId(Claim__c.SObjectType);
            return transientId;
        public String getRecordTypeDeveloperName() {
            return recordTypeDeveloperName;
        public Wrapper getParent(String relationshipName) {
            switch on relationshipName {
                when 'claimantInsured' { return claimantInsured; }
                when 'policy' { return policy; }
                when else { throw new EligibilityModelException('Bad parent relationshipName ' + relationshipName); }
        public Wrapper[] getChildren(String relationshipName) {
            switch on relationshipName {
                when 'benefitClaimeds' { return benefitClaimeds; }
                when 'claimRelationships' { return claimRelationships; }
                when 'journals' { return journals; }
                when 'paymentSpecifications' { return paymentSpecifications; }
                when else { throw new EligibilityModelException('Bad children relationshipName ' + relationshipName); }
        public Relationship[] getParentRelationships() {
            return new Relationship[] {
                new Relationship('claimantInsured', 'cve__ClaimantInsured__r', 'claims', 'cve__Claims__r'),
                new Relationship('policy', 'cve__Policy__r', 'claims', 'cve__Claims__r')
        public Relationship[] getChildRelationships() {
            return new Relationship[] {
                new Relationship('claim', 'cve__Claim__r', 'benefitClaimeds', 'cve__BenefitClaimeds__r'),
                new Relationship('claim', 'cve__Claim__r', 'claimRelationships', 'cve__ClaimRelationships__r'),
                new Relationship('claim', 'cve__Claim__r', 'journals', 'cve__Journals__r'),
                new Relationship('claim', 'cve__Claim__r', 'paymentSpecifications', 'cve__PaymentSpecifications__r')
        public Map<String, Object> mapify(Map<Id, Object> visited) {
            return mapify(this, visited);

        // Any name
        public String setRecordTypeDeveloperName(String name) {
            recordTypeDeveloperName = name;
            return recordTypeDeveloperName;

        // Parent object methods
        public ContactWrapper setParentClaimantInsured(Contact sob) {
            ContactWrapper w = sob != null ? newContactWrapper(sob) : null;
            claimantInsured = w;
            if (w != null);
            return w;
        public Policy setParentPolicy(Policy__c sob) {
            Policy w = sob != null ? newPolicy(sob) : null;
            policy = w;
            if (w != null);
            return w;

        // Child object methods
        public BenefitClaimed addChildToBenefitClaimeds(BenefitClaimed__c sob) {
            if (sob == null) return null;
            BenefitClaimed w = newBenefitClaimed(sob);
            w.claim = this;
            return w;
        public ClaimRelationship addChildToClaimRelationships(ClaimRelationship__c sob) {
            if (sob == null) return null;
            ClaimRelationship w = newClaimRelationship(sob);
            w.claim = this;
            return w;
        public Journal addChildToJournals(Journal__c sob) {
            if (sob == null) return null;
            Journal w = newJournal(sob);
            w.claim = this;
            return w;
        public PaymentSpecification addChildToPaymentSpecifications(PaymentSpecification__c sob) {
            if (sob == null) return null;
            PaymentSpecification w = newPaymentSpecification(sob);
            w.claim = this;
            return w;

Sample test output

 * Generated by the ModelGenerator page - do not edit directly.
 * Cover the generated code.
private class EligibilityModelTest {

    static void claim() {

        EligibilityModel.Claim w = EligibilityModel.newClaim(new Claim__c());
        System.assertNotEquals(null, w.setParentClaimantInsured(new Contact()));
        System.assertNotEquals(null, w.setParentPolicy(new Policy__c()));
        System.assertNotEquals(null, w.addChildToBenefitClaimeds(new BenefitClaimed__c()));
        System.assertNotEquals(null, w.addChildToClaimRelationships(new ClaimRelationship__c()));
        System.assertNotEquals(null, w.addChildToJournals(new Journal__c()));
        System.assertNotEquals(null, w.addChildToPaymentSpecifications(new PaymentSpecification__c()));

        // Any value
        System.assertEquals('Abc123', w.setRecordTypeDeveloperName('Abc123'));

    static void benefitClaimed() {

        EligibilityModel.BenefitClaimed w = EligibilityModel.newBenefitClaimed(new BenefitClaimed__c());
        System.assertNotEquals(null, w.setParentClaim(new Claim__c()));
        System.assertNotEquals(null, w.setParentBenefit(new Benefit__c()));
        System.assertNotEquals(null, w.setParentLatestJournal(new Journal__c()));
        System.assertNotEquals(null, w.setParentLatestPaymentSpecification(new PaymentSpecification__c()));
        System.assertNotEquals(null, w.setParentPolicy(new Policy__c()));
        System.assertNotEquals(null, w.addChildToCoveragesClaimed(new CoverageClaimed__c()));
        System.assertNotEquals(null, w.addChildToJournals(new Journal__c()));
        System.assertNotEquals(null, w.addChildToPaymentSpecifications(new PaymentSpecification__c()));

        // Enum wrapper method
        System.assertEquals(EligibilityModel.BenefitClaimedRecordType.Accident, w.setRecordType('Accident'));
        // Enum static method
        System.assertEquals(EligibilityModel.BenefitClaimedRecordType.WholeLife, EligibilityModel.BenefitClaimed.toBenefitClaimedRecordType('WholeLife'));
        // Non-enum value
        System.assertEquals(null, w.setRecordType('Abc123'));
        System.assertEquals('Abc123', w.recordTypeDeveloperName);